Four Must-Have Documents

As adults we have certain responsibilities to the people we love.  Unless you’re psychic, you don’t know when something catastrophic will happen.  In this article, I will discuss the four documents you MUST have to ensure your affairs are in order.  It’s longer than most of my posts, but there’s a ton of information you […] Read more…

Security – Are YOU Safe?

Your home is your castle.  You want it to be safe at all times.  Is a security system right for you?  If so, which one?   In Case the Worst Happens Have you found yourself worrying about security and safety lately?  If you have, you’re among the majority of people in the world, but especially […] Read more…

Blogging Basics: Who ME? Start a Blog?

You might never start a blog.  Perhaps that’s never, ever been a dream of yours.  It wasn’t actually my dream either – at first. I’ve always wanted to write short stories and novels.  I know I have something to say, I want to write, and have tons of ideas for books – plots, characters and mysteries.  […] Read more…

Medicare Alphabet Soup

.Medicare is multi-faceted and complicated – but don’t despair – you can get help.  This article provides some of the basics about the different Medicare plans.  It won’t make you an expert, but it will provide you enough information so you will know what types of questions you need to ask.     Health Insurance, or […] Read more…

Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

Twenty years ago, few Americans had even heard of Alzheimer’s disease.  However, this is quickly becoming the most devastating illness we face as we age.   At this time, there is no known cure and no one really knows what causes Alzheimer’s.  It is progressive.  It is insidious.  Any resemblance of the person who has it is slowly […] Read more…

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