This article addresses the relatively newly named weather phenomenon – a snowmageddon – and suggests some ways you can prepare for one.

What is a Snowmageddon?

Snowmageddons, also known as Snowpocalypses, and Snowzillas, are terms made popular by the media to describe huge winter storms that affect tens of thousands of people. Although winter storms have been a part of life and documented since recorded history in the northern parts of the United States, Canada and Europe, these new terms have only been used since 2008.

Much of the information found in this article is from a post by The Weather Channel (but I have added additional information and tips from my own experience in some sections).

Winter storms can bring not only large amounts of snow, but also extreme cold, high winds, freezing rain and ice. They can cause downed trees, make roads or walkways incredibly dangerous, and cause power outages that can last for several days. Public transportation can be affected and schools and childcare facilities might be closed. On top of all this, winter storms increase the risks of car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisonings and heart attacks.

That’s why, with winter storm season in full swing, it’s important to know how to keep yourself, your family and your home safe. Here are some steps from The Weather Channel you can take to prepare yourself before that brutal storm hits.

Preparation counts!

1. Stock your food pantry

It’s important to stay indoors and avoid traveling during a winter storm. Because of that, you should make sure you are fully stocked up on food. If you lose power, your pantry should include many non-perishable items that you and your family will eat. Plan to have enough food for at least three days, and more if you have room in your pantry. (We never know exactly how long the power will be out.)

Some good foods to have on hand on before the storm starts include crackers, granola bars, canned goods, soups, hot cocoa and instant coffee, peanut butter, honey, bread, and grains (such as barley, rice or oats). Fruits that don’t need to be refrigerated are also a good idea — such as oranges, apples or bananas. Don’t forget fresh veggies.

And here’s some extra tips in case the power goes out:

  • Don’t forget the manual can opener.
  • Have a way to heat up your food, like a camp stove.
  • Pick up some paper plates so you don’t need to wash dishes.
  • Don’t open your refrigerator or freezer unless absolutely necessary.

If you have pets, don’t forget to pick up food for them too.

2. Buy bottled water

Make sure you have at plenty of bottled water in case your pipes freeze, cutting off your access to tap water. If your pipes should freeze, you might also need water for brushing your teeth, doing dishes, flushing toilets or bathing. You can also fill up the bathtub, jugs, bottles and other containers with water ahead of the storm.

Just make sure you have a minimum of 3 gallons of water for each person in your household (1 gallon per person per day) — and don’t forget to have enough for the pets.

3. Fill your prescriptions and pick up hygiene products

Make sure you have all your prescription medication prescriptions filled so that you have enough on hand for at least three days, maybe even a week to be on the safe side. This will save you having to make a run to the pharmacy when the roads are bad.

You’ll also want to stock up on any hygiene items that you might need, including diapers, toilet paper, tampons and toothpaste. It can also be helpful to pick up moist toilettes in case water is in short supply.

4. Build an emergency kit

Ahead of the storm, make sure you have easy access to anything that you might need in an emergency. It’s best to waterproof some of your emergency kit items so anything which could be ruined by water fit in airtight, waterproof plastic bags. It’s also a good idea to put everything in your kit into one or two easy-to-go suitcases, in case you need to leave in a hurry.

Your emergency kit should include things like first aid items, a battery-powered or hand crank NOAA Weather Radio, non-prescription medications (such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, etc), flashlights, extra batteries, a whistle to signal for help, local maps, cash or traveler’s checks, copies of important family documents (such as insurance policies and identification), a fire extinguisher, matches in a waterproof container, candles, blankets and sleeping bags.

You will also most likely need garbage bags . . . and that manual can opener mentioned above.

If you have pets, you’ll also want to make sure you have leashes, harnesses and pet carriers easily accessible.

5. Stock up on ice melt and check your tools

Ice melt salt tends to go quickly at local stores right before a storm, so be sure to start stocking up early so that you have plenty for after the storm. You’ll want to have enough so you can shovel and salt all your outdoor stairs, stoops and walkways right after the storm before the snow has time to melt and then turn to ice when the temperature drops.

You should make sure you have a good snow shovel (or two) before the storm. Be sure they’re not too worn or cracked since that will only make your life harder. Check your tool kit to make sure it is up to date and easy to find. You might need a wrench or pliers to turn off utilities in a hurry.

If you have a snow blower, when was the last time you started it to make sure it works? Do that now. Also, make sure you have extra fuel for it. If the weather channel is predicting several feet of snow and your snow blower is not industrial sized, you might need to use it periodically during the snowfall. There’s nothing like trying to dig out of four feet of snow with a snow blower that only works well on one or two feet at a time.

6. Prepare for a power blackout

Charge your cell phones ahead of the storm. Make sure you have some portable battery backups on hand as well, in case the power goes out. It’s also not a bad idea to have flashlights or battery-powered lights handy throughout the house so you don’t have to stumble around looking for them.

If you don’t have enough flashlights, you can use candles . . . BUT . . . you must be cautious with them. NEVER leave a candle burning when you go to sleep. NEVER light a candle too close to curtains or flammable material. You know the drill – just be careful. Fires are a huge problem during power outages.

In many cases, if you have a gas fireplace and your power goes out, you can still have heat. You may have to light it manually if you have some sort of auto-start. Make sure you have ventilation in the room.

Another tip is to set up one room where you can all gather and sleep during the outage. Use sleeping bags or twin mattresses and put them in your living room (if that’s where your heat source is). If you don’t have a fireplace, a portable propane heater can work to keep you warm. Set up a tent in the room and sleep inside it. This will trap some of your body heat and keep you warmer.

If you live in an area where power outages are frequent, you might want to consider getting a generator, either a portable one or a home standby model. If you do have a portable one, make sure you have gasoline or propane before the storm so that you can run it when needed and as long as necessary. Be sure to run portable models outside and away from windows — never inside or in enclosed spaces such as garages, crawl spaces or basements.

7. Make an emergency communication plan with family

Even if you charge your cell phones ahead of the storm, you might not always have cell reception during the storm so make sure you make a plan with your family on how you can connect in an emergency.

Be sure to know or write down important family phone numbers and designate an out-of-town contact who can help you reconnect with everyone if you get separated.

8. Protect your water pipes

If temperatures are expected to drop to 28 degrees or below for 4 hours or more, you should take precautions to protect your water pipes. Not only will a frozen pipe cut off your running water supply, but because water expands when it freezes it can cause metal or plastic pipes to burst. This is one of the greatest and costliest damages from winter storms.

Pipes that run in unheated interior areas (such as those in basements, crawlspaces, kitchen cabinets, garages and attics) or against exterior walls are particularly susceptible to freezing.

To help prevent frozen pipes, let cold water drip from faucets served by exposed pipes because running water — even when just a trickle — is less likely to freeze. Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warm air to circulate near plumbing. Add pipe insulation to any pipes that are particularly prone to freezing. Do your best to keep temperatures inside your home no lower than 55°F.

If your pipes freeze, DO NOT use a blow torch to try to thaw them. The heat will puncture the pipe and then you’ll be up a frozen creek. You can try a hair dryer but it will work best if you know WHERE the pipe is frozen.

9. Seal your windows and doors

Windows and doors can be drafty, allowing cold air in and warm air out. That’s why it’s a good idea to seal any windows with an insulation kit that you can pick up at any hardware store. You can also pick up weather stripping at the store to better seal your front door. If you can’t get to a store, you can try plastic wrap (like Saran Wrap) taped over your windows.

You can pick up insulated blinds to help keep the warm air inside the house.

If you just can’t get your house warm enough, try choosing just one room to keep warm (see #6 above).

10. Check or install new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Be sure to test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they’re still working. If they aren’t already battery-powered or battery-backed, it’s best to replace with detectors that work during a power loss in order to keep your family safe.

11. Prepare your yard

Before the storm hits, it’s best to take a walk around your yard and look for any tree branches that might be in a position to fall on your home. If you can, you should trim those back to prevent them from doing damage to your home during the storm — or call a professional to do the trimming for you.

Tree branches in the vicinity of power lines can be a potential disaster. Please call a professional or the utility company to trim or cut those back to help minimize the risks for a power outage.

If you haven’t already, mulch your gardens to protect plants that you don’t want to freeze.

A chain saw can be a godsend during winter storms. If you have a tree fall on your house you may need to have a professional take care of it. But, if a tree were to fall across your driveway, for example, your trusty chain saw can make quick work of the offending tree.

Tips for chain saws:

  • Start your chain saw. Now. Before the storm.
  • Make sure you have a sharp chain. More than one is preferable. Have them sharpened after every use.
  • Ensure you have plenty of fuel for your chainsaw.
  • Wear safety goggles.
  • Watch out for others around you and don’t let them get too close. Debris (wood chips) fly far and can cause great harm in eyes and to small children.

12. Ready your car

Before that winter storm hits, make sure your car has a winter tune up to check things like your antifreeze levels, battery, ignition system, exhaust system, heater, lights and oil.

Then, prep your car with things you might need should the blizzard trap you in it. You’ll want to make sure you have blankets, water, chains, jumper cables, ice scrapers, maps, bottle water, warm clothes, non-perishable snacks and a first aid kit in your car. It’s also not a bad idea to have some sand or cat litter on hand to give your tires better traction on snow or ice if you get stuck.

13. Stay informed

Listen to your NOAA weather radio for alerts and warnings to hazards. Check the forecast consistently online or on your phone. Sign up for local emergency alerts and notifications.

Know how to turn off your utilities, such as gas lines, in an emergency when you need to.

Do your research on local shelters and warming stations close in your area before the storm hits, and make a plan for where and how to get there, if you need to leave your house in an emergency.

Also, be sure you know the signs of hypothermia and frostbite and be ready to check on neighbors, especially if they’re older adults or have young children who are more at risk in extreme cold.

Hypothermia exhibits itself as:

  • uncontrollable shivering,
  • memory loss or disorientation,
  • slurred speech,
  • drowsiness and exhaustion.

If you detect any of these symptoms, follow these steps:

  • move the person affected to a warm location,
  • remove any wet clothing,
  • wrap the person in blankets and
  • give the person warm beverages if they are conscious
  • focus on warming the center of their body first
  • take their temperature. If it’s below 95 degrees, call 911 and get them medical attention immediately.

Frostbite symptoms are: loss of feeling and white, pale or waxy skin on the extremities, such as fingers, toes, earlobes, face and the tip of a nose. If you detect these symptoms, move the person to a warm place, use body heat to warm and cover the exposed skin. Do not rub the skin because this could damage tissue. Get the victim to a doctor as soon as possible.

14. Be careful

Be careful to not overexert yourself. Many heart attacks are brought on by overexertion from shoveling or clearing snow during and after storms.

Falling on ice is also a big issue and causes many trips to the emergency room. Learn to walk safely on ice.

  • Walk slowly.
  • Walk with small steps and stand up straight. Keep your feet close to your center of gravity. In other words, short steps, watching where you are going, are your best bet for staying upright.
  • Watch out for black ice. It is a thin layer of clear ice that blends in with the ground. It is a major cause of ice-related injuries.
  • Black ice camouflages easily on asphalt, so be careful in parking lots and roads.

Most importantly, stay indoors and off the roads. Only travel if it is an emergency.

If you found this article helpful or have other tips that would be helpful, let us know in the comments section below.

Stay safe out there!

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