
Savvy Savings Can Reduce Your Retirement Stress

We all want to look forward to retirement: The pure freedom of no longer being chained to the weekday alarm clock, budget meetings, daily commutes — and everything that goes with them — is something you’ve worked hard to attain. On the other hand, you now only have money going out, which can be a […] Read more…

older couple on beach

8 Holiday Tips for Money-Savvy Retirees

This article contains ideas for retirees to make sure their holiday getaways (and vacations) are fun and don’t break the bank by saving money and planning. Even when you’re retired, sometimes you want to “get away from it all”. Time away from home and time to be with family is essential to everyone, even if […] Read more…

Blogging Basics: Who ME? Start a Blog?

You might never start a blog.  Perhaps that’s never, ever been a dream of yours.  It wasn’t actually my dream either – at first. I’ve always wanted to write short stories and novels.  I know I have something to say, I want to write, and have tons of ideas for books – plots, characters and mysteries.  […] Read more…